Episcopal Church of the Saviour - Clermont, Iowa

The Episcopal Faith

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==> How do I join the Episcopal Church?



About the Episcopal Church……


The Episcopal Church is a fellowship within the one holy catholic and apostolic church, propagating the faith as set forward in the “Book of Common Prayer.”


It is bound together not by a central authority, but a mutual loyalty sustained by the common counsel of the Bishops in conference.


The Episcopal Church’s faith and order are those of the earliest undivided Christian Church. Its tradition is a blending of evangelical and catholic (Eastern and Western) Christianity in which Christians of both traditions may find a home.

As the Visitor's Center page of our national Episcopal web site states, "The Episcopal Church strives to live by the message of Christ, in which there are no outcasts and all are welcome.  Walking a middle way between Roman Catholicism and Protestant traditions, we are a sacramental and worship-oriented church that promotes thoughtful debate about what God is calling us to do and be, as followers of Christ.

"Exploring our web site may answer some of your questions - or raise additional ones!  Visit a church to find out more.  The best way to learn about the Episcopal Church is to become a part of it."

And still more from this welcoming Visitor's Center...

"We may not have all the answers, but we welcome all your questions.  That’s because we believe we all have something more to learn from one another – and always more to learn about ourselves, our world, and God.  The Episcopal Church does not ask you to check your mind at the door.  Our ability to reason is a gift from God.  Come and grow in understanding through silent meditation or group discussion.  COME AND LEARN more about two thousand years of church history.  Come and learn every day to better understand God’s presence in our lives."